Nouhad Wadie’ Haddad
Known simply as “Fairuz”, she is a widely admired Lebanese singer who is one of the most influential performer’s in modern Arabic music.
“The discography of Fairuz includes a large repertoire of more than 1500 songs out of which nearly 800 songs were released. Fairuz has sold more than 80 million records worldwide.” Most of the songs on Fairuz’s officially released CDs, records and cassettes were composed by the Rahbani brothers. They also feature songs by Philemon Wehbe, Ziad Rahbani, Zaki Nassif, Mohammed Abdel Wahab, Najib Hankash and Mohamed Mohsen.
Fairuz has performed all over the world and received honors from a number of countries including Egypt, Syria, France, the USA and Jordan. Some of her most popular songs include “Kifak Enta” (How Are You), “Ana Li Habibi” (I Am for My lover), “Shat Iskandaria” (Alexandria’s Beach), “Zahrat El Madaeen” (The Most Beautiful City), “Al Quds” (The Holy One), “Saaltak Habibi” (I Asked You, My Love), “Adish Kan Fi Nas” (Many People Here), “Haboo Baadon” (They Loved Each Other), just to name a few.

golden age of Arabic music
Fayrouz is a living legend, one of the last artists from the golden age of Arabic music.
She formed a new wave of Arabic music by combining oriental folk tunes with international music trends like jazz and blues.
Nehad Wadie’ Haddad, known as Fayrouz, was born in 1935 to a middle-class family in Lebanon.
She started her career at the age of six after joining the Lebanese Radio choir in 1940. Shortly after, Halim El Roumi, director of Lebanese Radio, composed her first song.