Precita Eyes Muralists Association, Inc., founded in 1977 by Susan and Luis Cervantes, along with other artists, is headquartered in San Francisco’s Mission District.
Adjunct resources are follow-on listings that augment the previously published post titled ‘Destruction of African Civilisation’. This post details prior forces that spanned millennia that led to the systematic destruction of Black African civilisation and ultimately the total subjugation of Black people on the African continent. Provide are additional readings and materials to continuing your enlightenment of past and current efforts to malign the true history of Black people and of their contributions which helped to advancement human civilisation.
History is the clock that people use to tell them their time of day. It is also a compass that people use to find themselves on the map of human geography. The role of history is to tell a people what they have been, where they have been, what they are and where they are. The most important role that history plays is that it has the function of telling a people where they still must go and what they still must be.
-Professor John Clark.
How can anyone claim Africa did not have societies before the arrival of colonialism? Political, economic and social structures existed in African society well before the 19th century. Frederic Caillaurd, during his quest to discover the source of the Nile, marvelled at the structure of Egyptian society.
-Bola Asiru
It is no doubt flattering to our vanity to imagine that the people of Africa were “primitive” and “barbarous” before the penetration of the Europeans, and that is is we [i.e. Europeans] who civilised them. But it is a theory that lacks historical foundation. The Empire of Ghana flourished in what is now French West Africa during the dark ages of Western Europe. By the fifteenth century there was a university at Timbuku. The Ashantis of the Gold Coast [i.e. Ghana] and the Yorubas [of Nigeria] possessed highly organised and complex civilisations long before their territories were brought under British political and military control. The thesis that Africa is what Western European missionaries, traders, technicians and administrators have made is comforting (to Western Europeans) but invalid.
-Thomas Hodgins.
It is one of the paradoxes of history that Africa, the Mother of Civilisation, remained for over two thousand years the Dark Continent. To the moderns Africa was the region where ivory was sought for Europe, and slaves for America. In the time of Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), as the satirist informs us, geographers in drawing maps fill in the gaps with savage pictures. Where towns should have been they placed elephants.
-Dr. Victor Robinson
“First of all, [scholars] are not ignorant of the true history of the Blacks, including their achievements as builders of one of the first great civilisations on earth (ancient writers say it was the very first); and they, the Western scholars, know all about the authentic early and modern sources. They simply ignore and refuse to publish any facts of African history that upset or even tend to upset their racial philosophy that rest so solidly on premises sanctified by time that they no longer need to be openly proclaimed.”
“They [scholars] are, unwittingly, promoting the steady march toward a world conflict between the races. Yet they are doing what they feel they must do, in faithful obedience to their Caucasian culture, the racial pattern of which emerged in the 17th century. The steady conquest and enslavement of a whole people made it imperative to create both a religious and a “scientific” doctrine to assuage the white conscience. Their phenomenal success in the industrial world at once supports and justifies their philosophy, the supremacy of the fittest. The danger now arises from an entirely new and unexpected development: A sleeping and submissive non-white world, while all this white power was being amassed, is no longer either sleeping or submissive.”
In the continuing crusade to control the minds of Blacks through the nature of their education, American and British scholars lead. They are ruthless and aggressive in their scholarly pursuits on races as their co-partners in seizing and controlling the wealth and peoples of other lands. Having established strong national and international “African” associations and journals that attempt to control research activities on Africa, they proceeded to flood the world with hastily thrown together African “histories,” pamphlets, and publications on just about every subject that could stand a “Black” title.
Blotting the Blacks out of history included replacing African names of persons, place and things with Arabic and European names. One wave of the masters’ magic wand, and Black Hamites and even Cushites,like their early Egyptian brothers, are no longer Africans!
-Dr. Chancellor Williams
There is a wealth of factual information and quality scholarly research on African antiquity and the progress and development of African civilisations. “The true citizen of the world recognises things of value no matter where found or among whom it originated. True distinction in human endeavour is a success for all of the world’s people. Serious scholarship works in the same way.” Sources provided below will help your investigation into the true nature and foundational enquiry into African history. Sources are continually updated. Note: Only one image is book cover.
Precita Eyes Muralists Association, Inc., founded in 1977 by Susan and Luis Cervantes, along with other artists, is headquartered in San Francisco’s Mission District.
Copic Church of Cairo is a part of Old Cairo, which encompasses the Babylon Fortress, the Coptic Museum, the Hanging Church, the Greek Church of St. George, and other Coptic churches and historical sites.
Sounds of Boreno. Presented a week before Malaysia Day (16 September), this concert is a manifestation of the power of music and the role of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) in nation-building. As a medium to forge better appreciation and love for local music (including folksongs)…
Let me know about your readings, research, projects, thesis, etc. about African studies. I would like to hear from you.