A reticulated python: My Backyard (Juvenile) Neighbour
I have yard space that includes fairly large front, side, and rear garden areas. These I’ve filled with a variety of plants, trees, and flowers. They attract a birds, bees, and many types of insects to include a variety of ants, and hosts of mysquotes.
On this day (13 Mar 2022), I was weeding my front yard garden and they went to the rear to fetch a tool. That’s when I noticed a snake that extended down the rear rock wall with its body raped around a dead bird. Ahhh, a reticulated python, I thought, and quickly ran to get my camera.
The snake did not notice me as I positioned myself on an over-turned planter approximately eight fight away from it and it’s intended meal, and proceeded to take several pictures. However, It noticed me as I angled for a better shot. It then quickly regurgitated its meal and hastened into an open space within the rock wall. A few minutes later it started to rain and later, maybe 30 minutes after the rain had stopped, when I returned to check if had returned for its meal. It had, as there was no sign of bird nor snake.
Venomous Snakes in Malaysia: 7 Species You’ll Want To Avoid
Malaysia, like many of its Southeast Asian neighbours, is a home to a variety of wildlife, to include snakes. I’m an avid hiker, usually I start around 0530 AM for about a two hour early morning mountain adventure. One morning I encountered a python lying still on the path with its mid-section showing signs of a recent meal, most likely a monkey. This is, perhaps, one of maybe four occasions where I’ve seen a snake during my hikes. One being a Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus), a very beautiful reptile that I well remember. The others I’m not able to identify. Click below to learn more about snakes in Malaysia.

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